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Osnovna škola Borovje Zagreb

The source of life - water

Song contest "The Voice"


My bonnie is over the ocean


Pjesma o vodi

Recitacije učenika 3.r.

Video prikazuje rad učenika na Kutku o vodi kojim su prikazali koliko je voda važna za naš život, ali i za život biljaka i životinja.




Izvor života-voda je novi projekt 2014/2015 za učenike stare 9-13 godina.

Svaka kultura daje važnost VODI kao glavnom izvoru života. Mi ćemo napraviti nešto korisno za naš okoliš i prirodu. Pomoću postera ćemo pokazati efikasno i štedljivo korištenje vode, pronaći ćemo poeziju i pjesme o vodi na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku i podijeliti ih s ostalima na twinspace-u. Fotografirat ćemo prirodne izvore vode našeg zavičaja (grada, naselja, regije- rijeke, potoci, jezera) itd.

Započet ćemo kampanju efikasne potrošnje vode i očuvanja prirodnih izvora. Ovo bi trebao biti projekt o očuvanju okoliša, što više učenici će imati priliku komunicirati na engleskom jeziku i usavršiti svoje jezične vještine.


 September – October : Get to know each others, their hobbies, daily routines etc.

 November : Introduce your school.(Take photos or record your school, classes,canteen etc with your camera or tablet)

 December: Introduce your town including the natural water sources ( sea,river,waterfall etc) Prepare a ‘Water Corner’ on your class or school. Stick photos   or pictures about water.

 January- February : Prepare posters showing how to use water efficiently. (Scan your poster and share on twinspace)

 March : Find a song about water, sing it, record and share on twinspace.(An English song and a song in their own language)

 April : Find a poem about water, read and memorize it and share on twinspace. (An English poem and a poem in their own language)

 May : Organize a ‘Song Contest’, vote and choose the best ‘singer’ Saying goodbye. Teachers will prepare their IT classes for the routine chatting of our students. Students will prepare powerpoint presentations, video recording ,real letters, Christmas Cards etc. and share them on twinspace. All the students are responsible for those activities.The responsibility of the teachers is to monitor the students and help them to learn how to use twinspace. The teams for each school are nearly 7-8 students and 1 teacher. Partner schools will always be in communication.

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